Seafood Feast I, 79 x 26 x 17 inches Seafood Feast II, 80 x 33 x 18 inches La Tomatina, 115 x 67 x 44 inches Bittersweet Apple Crate, 82.5 x 41 x 27 inches Bittersweet Apple Crate, 82.5 x 41 x 27 inches Pepper Tower – El Regalo, 132 x 32.5 x 28 inches Pepper Tower – El Regalo, 132 x 32.5 x 28 inches Alternative Fuels I, 68 x 18½ x 16½ inches WMD, 120 x 31 x 77 inches Alternative Fuels V, 72 x 22 x 31 inches El Barco Real, 67 x 68 x 16½ inches Alternative Fuels III (table version), 71 x 29½ x 25 inches Killer Tomatoes, 120 x 46 x 60 inches, Unavailable Artichoke Crate, 36 x 45 x 24 inches Double Acorns, 18 x 60 x 15 inches Treasures of the Sea, 65 x 32 x 64 inches BOUND-LEEK-110-x-20-x-20-inchesweb,-2006 The Bundle, 97 x 30 x 30 inches Pear Harvest, 60 x 34 x 40 inches La Tinaja, 50 x 21 x 22 inches Alternative Fuels II (table version), 66 x 45 x 24½ inches Alternative Fuels IV, 63 x 23 x 18½ inches Napa Valley, 67 x 52 x 20 inches Jo’s Tomato, 2006, patinated bronze, 40 x 35 x 34 inches The Bundle, 2004, patinated bronze, 97 x 30 x 30 inches, Unavailable